Saturday, January 17, 2009


With my life in limbo lately, I've been postponing everything until I'm more settled (i.e. until I have a job, and my own place, and know where I might end up). Even though it's only been two weeks since moving into my temporary lodgings and four weeks since graduation, I'm coming to the realization that the job seeking process could take more time than I would like it to take, especially in the worst economic climate in 30 years (woo hoo, who says I don't have timing?).

So what happens in the meantime? I put my whole life on hold until I have my own space? Experimenting with beads and words and color and fiber, etc are important to me. The process grounds me in a way that nothing else does. I need all the grounding elements I can find in my life at the moment. That's where this blog comes in to play. I'm hoping it will function as a virtual room of my own, a place where I can post pictures of my experiments, where I can share my thoughts on the process. I hope it will be a place that will help me stay open to life and all the challenges/opportunities coming my way.

My instinct is to shut down, pull back, to curl into a protective ball when I'm feeling off balance. So not only will I experiment with a variety of mediums, but the experiment extends to keeping my heart open under stress. Since most of my life is packed in storage in Indiana (while I'm in Iowa), the challenge will be to see what I can do to play and experiment in very little physical space, with not a lot of materials, either. This should be a most interesting experiment.

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