Sunday, February 1, 2009

Moving Forward

"Your little trip down Memory Lane is over. You have recently dipped deep enough into your own reservoir of past experiences and now you will be best served by coming back to the present moment. But this doesn't mean you should set your feelings aside in favor of logic. Your smartest strategy now must include both your head and your heart."

This was an interesting horoscope to have for today. I've been reading through a career coaching book, The Pathfinder. The beginning sections involve quite a bit of reflection on the past. This is the life timeline I created as part of one of the exercises. My life has never been a straight line. When I drew this, I intended to put the title End in the middle of the spiral, but that wasn't right. I labeled the middle of the spiral Beginning, and the decades unravel out from that point. I think the process now moves more into finding out values, temperament, talent, etc from here, though. It's been an interesting read. I've considered a lot of these things before, but separately. I feel like the book is helping me pull them all together, so I'll be able to find the job that's right for me.
Instead of being trapped in the cage of fitting myself to a job, I think I will be able to find a job that fits me, one that allows me to use creativity in some way.
This is a work in progress, a bit of experimental bead looming. I decided to see if I could work with beads, wire, and fiber, all at the same time. I warped the loom with copper wire, then used a mixture of bead and fiber rows. It's been fun, doing this just to see if I could, without having a purpose in mind for the finished pieces. Playing with stuff.... I'm contemplating what to do with them to finish them off, and will probably continue experimenting by just seeing what I feel like doing. I had no pattern or preconceived ideas when I started these, so why change now?

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